We are working to select the best and finest types of Egyptian Fruits, from the finest and best types of Egyptian Fruits farms that follow the standards of quality, safety and health for the consumer, including:
• No pollutants
• Limited use of pesticides
• Absence of mycotoxins
• Limited amount of heavy metals
• Reducing the risk of microbiological contaminants
In order to maintain the satisfaction of our customers, increase our export customer base, and increase our exports annually.
White beans are rich in fiber, iron and magnesium. They also have a very low glycemic index and have detoxifying properties. Unlike red meat, which is a source of protein, white beans have much fewer calories and are virtually fat-free.
Beans are classified as an excellent food product because they contain:
Beans contain many antioxidant nutrients and contain vitamin C about 20% of your daily need, vitamin A, phytonutrients and many carotenoids. They contain manganese, which is an important mineral in acting as an antioxidant. They are also a good source of vitamin K, as well as providing a good dose of fiber at every meal.